Thursday 7 January 2016

Mass sexual attack in Cologne, Germany

An internal report by German police describes how women in the western city of Cologne had to run through mobs of drunken men who attacked them during New Year’s celebrations, an experience likened to “running the gauntlet.”
The report, details of which were widely published by German media Thursday, added to witness accounts describing a string of sexual assaults that have sparked a heated debate about migration and the police’s failure to prevent the mayhem.
Chancellor Angela Merkel said Germany must examine whether it has done enough to deport foreigners who commit crimes, after police said the perpetrators of the attack were of “Arab or North African origin.”
While officials have cautioned against casting suspicion on migrants in general, the attacks have been seized on by some opponents of Germany’s welcoming stance toward those fleeing conflict after the country registered nearly 1.1 million asylum-seekers last year.
“We must examine again and again whether we have already done what is necessary in terms of … deportations from Germany in order to send clear signals to those who are not prepared to abide by our legal order,” Merkel said.........................................................................................................

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