Thursday 7 January 2016

Olive Ridley turtles arriving at Rushikulya rookery in Odisha

Mating of Olive Ridleys is continuing in the sea near Rushikulya rookery coast in Ganjam district of Odisha, although due to some reasons it was delayed this year.
At present mating couples are seen in sea too close to the coastline. Hundreds of these reptile pairs are being seen at a distance of just one km from the Rushikulya rookery coast. According to local fishermen these pairs as well as single turtles are being seen in thousands in sea till 10 km from coastline.
Although the large number of Olive Ridleys have gathered at this coast and mating has been delayed by almost 15 days this season, said Berhampur Divisional Forest Officer Ashis Behera.
Usually mating season of Olive Ridleys at this coast ends by January and the males return, while the females stay back for nesting at Rushikulya rookery coast. But this year the mating is still continuing in January.........

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